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Governance and Compliance Organizational View from a Diversity Perspective

By merging operational and analytical systems company's operations depend on frequent data updates to run more efficiently. Therefore, companies can cut the total cost of ownership and significantly reduce hardware and software customer data efforts. CIOs with new technology, customer intelligence, and lower overall cost must understand its business advantages. Analytical reports with a better decision process will make a strong business case for the transformation, ease of use, and challenging business intelligence (BI) systems. This decision process will devise a governance strategy to manage the technology's rollout and monitor its use (Acker, Gröne, Blockus, & Bange, 2011).

The use of software empowers the business with actionable data about suppliers and domestic competitors. It takes people, budget, time management, technology, and other resources needed to complete the transaction. The virtual teams will combine seasoned veterans of the import-export business with a group of cutting edge software applications. The result is robust, with an accessible database of international trade intelligence is emphasized. Researching competitors and suppliers' shipment activity will help identify and vet new sources for a new product, generate sales leads, track publicly traded companies' movement, intellectual property investigation with enforcement, and ensure exclusive agent compliance for transportation and logistics.

The view of diversity in the United States is one of two ways; the perception that diversity is a way to assure legal compliance. This limitation does not allow organizations to reap the benefits of diversity and is better suited to areas of equal opportunity and affirmative action. On the other hand, some organizations depict diversity as sensitivity training. So organizations that take this view of diversity are undervaluing themselves, and it is viewed as being soft and as not contributing to the bottom line (Stevens & Ogunji, 2011, p. 528).

Globalization has many effects, but one of the most important is the dramatic increase in the opportunity and need to interact with culturally different people (Trina, Garcia, & Colella, 2010). Even today's climate, diversity in the workforce does not automatically ensure positive outcomes (Cheng, Portnoy, & Liu, 2012).

Numerous studies have demonstrated the negative effect of demographic, psychographic, or cultural diversity on individuals, work teams, and organizations (Cheng et al., 2012). When there is a breakdown in communication between these groups, then problems arise. The most common negative consequences at the individual and team level include misperception, miscommunication, increased tension conflict, mistrust, process loss, and lower psychological commitment. Additionally, the organizational level found a negative relationship between racial diversity and corporate profits (Cheng et al., 2012).



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